Test tubes in a rack with sample being taken from one of them

Date of Birth Requirement

All laboratories need information regarding the client to identify their individual sample.

Tests cannot be done without these details.

The minimum requirement is the full name and date of birth.

You can enter these details securely above. Personal details are subject to GDPR according to our Privacy Policy. Alternatively, you can email these to us at: enquiry@drugtest.london

Collection list

Alcohol Tests
Alcohol Tests

Alcohol Tests

Drug Tests
Drug Test

Drug Tests

Postal Tests
home drug test kit

Postal Tests

Chain of Custody Drug Tests
chain of custody drug test

Chain of Custody Drug Tests

Patient Reception

76 Wimpole Street, London.

W1G 9RT.

Monday-Friday: 7AM - 7PM

Saturday: 7AM - 1PM

Sunday: Closed