We conduct employee drug and alcohol testing for UK and international companies in the pleasant and comfortable environment of our Central London Patient Reception facility. We do not offer onsite workplace drug and alcohol testing.
This type of drug and alcohol testing is performed for all potential employees prior to them being employed. It is the type of testing most favoured by companies as it is convenient and needs to be done only once as part of a pre-employment procedure. All potential employees are informed of the testing at the time of applying for jobs in the company. This type of testing can identify potential employees who misuse drugs and alcohol before they are hired.
Random drug and alcohol testing is performed on a random selection of employees on a regular basis. This type of testing can help deter drug and alcohol misuse during the course of employment.
This type of drug and alcohol testing is done on employees after an incident involving inappropriate behaviour or incident causing injury, damage or near-miss. Testing can be done as a routine procedure in such cases or when drug or alcohol misuse is suspected. It is used to protect the employer from liability and to dismiss underperforming employees.
This is the most common type of test done because it is easy to do and offers a quick turnaround of results.
Urine drug and alcohol test - 13 substances
Standard urine and blood alcohol testing is rarely useful because of the limited time that alcohol can be detected in this way.
More common is the use of CDT testing which tests for alcohol misuse over the previous 1-2 weeks (e.g. DVLA, TfL), and PEth testing which checks for alcohol misuse over the previous one month (e.g. aviation sector). Both CDT and PEth are blood tests.
Tests can be ordered online through our website under the particular test web page. Employers will need to enter the names and dates of birth for each employee needing to be tested and pay by debit/credit card.
We will send you details for the testing which can be done on a walk-in basis without an appointment during opening hours.
Employees can then attend Patient Reception in London. They should bring with them a photo ID such as passport or driving license to identify themselves at the time of testing.
If more than 10 employees need to be tested at a time, or regular testing is required, then please send an Excel sheet of employees to enquiry@drugtest.london with the following details:
We will contact each employee giving them details on how to attend Patient Reception to be tested on a walk-in basis during opening hours. They should bring with them a photo ID such as passport or driving license to identify themselves.
The company is invoiced for payment at regular intervals.
Results are sent directly to the company by email. Employees can have access to their results with the permission of the company.
Sometimes urine drug results come back with negative results but the sample is dilute. This means that the negative result cannot be relied upon and should be repeated at a further cost to the company. Employees are instructed to limit their fluid intake to not more than one glass/cup (250ml) per hour on the day of the test to avoid such an outcome.
76 Wimpole Street, London.
W1G 9RT.
Monday-Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Saturday: 7AM - 1PM
Sunday: Closed